Computer Vision & Machine Intelligence Lab.

The CVMILab is a media engineering laboratory that studies image processing and computer vision.

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The New Article Accepted!

The paper was accepted by the CVMI lab in The 37th International Conference on Computer Animation & Social Agents 2024.
posted by 2024-04-20
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New CVMI Homepage Open!

The new CVMI homepage has been openned by github blog.
now we will deliver various news.
posted by 2024-04-18
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Now Recruiting

We are recruiting undergraduate researchers and graduate students.
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CVMI 연구실은 비전과 관련된 다양한 프로젝트를 진행하고 있습니다.

  • Computer Vision

    AI 기반으로 다양한 컴퓨터 비전 Task 수행

  • Medical Imaging

    Skull Segmentation in Dental CT, Skin, Mandible, Maxilla, Cartilage, Implant etc..

  • Facial Landmark Detection

    Finding the characteristic points of human face

  • Biomedical Imaging

    DAPI Image Classification and Data augmentation with generative model

  • Smart Farm

    Normal Ducks and abnormal ducks detection in duck cage
    Automatic recognition of the duck farm mat moisture content

  • Image Inpainting

    Image Inpainting on high-resolutional face image using Transformers with patch-based masking

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